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Jamb 2024 Slip reprinting have started

 Is JAMB 2023/2024 slip reprinting Start?

Yes! The Board has announced April 21th, 2023 as the date JAMB slip reprinting will officially start. This means that JAMB reprinting will officially commence on April 21th, 2023.

How to reprint JAMB Slip 2023/2024

Reprinting the JAMB slip 22023/2024 is easy. All you need to print your JAMB slip, which reflects your exam schedule, is your registration number. For the process, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Go to the JAMB UTME e-slip printing page at

STEP 2: Enter your JAMB registration number or your email address or phone number in the appropriate fields.

STEP 3: Finally, click the “Print Examination Slip” button to access your exam schedule.


Note: Please allow the JAMB site pop-up ( to appear from your browser.

How To Reprint JAMB Slip Without Email

Open the JAMB Reprint portal at

Enter your JAMB registration number in the space provided.

Finally, click PRINT EXAMINATION SLIP to find out the date, time, location and center of your UTME 2022 exam.

How To Reprint JAMB Slip Using Registration Number 2023/2024

Open the JAMB Reprint portal at

Enter your JAMB registration number in the space provided.

Finally, click PRINT EXAMINATION SLIP to find out the date, time, location and center of your UTME 2023 exam.

Can I reprint my jamb slip 2023 now?

Yes, you can start reprinting your UTME examination slip

How can I reprint my jamb slip 2023 online?

To reprint your JAMB slip 2023 online follow the steps below;

Visit the JAMB reprinting portal @

Entre your JAMB registration number in the appropriate field.

Finally, click on “Print Examination Slip” then, your examination time, and date will be printed out if connected to a printer device.

Why can’t I reprint my JAMB slip 2023?

The main reason why you can’t reprint your UTME slip is because JAMB slip reprinting has not started yet. However, you have to aware of other factors such as;

Poor internet connectivity

Using of outdated Browser

Not switching your device browser to desktop version

Inputing of wrong JAMB registration number, etc.

How can I reprint JAMB slip with SMS 2023?

As at the time of writing this post, you can now reprint JAMB slip with SMS yet.

Why do I need to do reprinting

You need to reprint your JAMB slip if the original slip is lost or damaged, or if there is an error on the slip that needs to be corrected.

Is there a fee for reprinting my JAMB slip 2023?

Yes, there is a fee for reprinting JAMB slip. The fee is usually cost N300 or above.

How many times can I reprint my JAMB slip?

You can reprint your JAMB slip multiple times but it comes with a fee each time.

What do I need to do reprinting?

To reprint your JAMB slip, you will need your JAMB registration number and the password you used when you registered for JAMB.

How will I receive my reprinted JAMB slip?

Your reprinted JAMB slip will be sent to the email address you provided during registration.

What should I do if I don’t receive my reprinted JAMB slip?

If you don’t receive your reprinted JAMB slip, you can contact JAMB CBT centre service for assistance.

Can I reprint my JAMB slip on the day of the examination?

It is not advisable to wait until the day of the examination to reprint your JAMB slip. It is recommended that you reprint it well before the examination date in case of any issues.

What should I do if there is an error on my reprinted JAMB slip?

If there is an error on your reprinted JAMB slip, you should contact JAMB CBT centre service for assistance in resolving the issue.

Best of luck with your exam, if there is any question regarding this post. You are welcome to post your question in the comments section.

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